Wallstein Ingenieur GmbH (WIG) |
Company name: | Wallstein Ingenieur GmbH (WIG) Wallstein Service GmbH (WSG) Wallstein apparatus and plant engineering (WAG) |
Represented by the partner: | Dieter, Dirk and Malte Wallstein in each case to 1/3 for them WIG, WSG and WHG; Wallstein Holding GmbH & Co. KG to 100% for them WAG |
HR.-Nr.: | WIG: HRB 2698 |
WSG: HRB 4061 | |
WAG: HRB 3743 | |
Commercial register: | Recklinghausen |
USt-IdNr.: | WIG: DE 126342172 |
WSG: DE 198942579 | |
WAG: DE 258931627 | |
Street: | Hubertusstraße 44 |
ZIP/City: | 45657 Recklinghausen |
Germany | |
Email: | info@wallstein.de |
Concept &design: | Wallstein Holding GmbH & Co. KG in Zusammenarbeit mit wecotec it: consulting GmbH |
Photos: | eigenes Archiv, www.photocase.com, www.pixelio.de, © Gerd Altmann(geralt)/PIXELIO |
The WIG, WSG and WAG examines and updates the information on her web pages constantly. In the meantime, in spite of all care the data can have changed. Hence, a liability or guarantee for the actuality, correctness and completeness of the provided information cannot be assumed. In addition, it is worth from drückliche dissociation for all the other web pages to which is expelled by means of hyperlink. The WIG, WSG and WAG are for the contents of the web pages which are reached on account of such a connection, not responsibly and this does not adopt. Furthermore the WIG, WSG reserve themselves and WAG the right to carry out changes or supplements of the provided information.
Contents and structure of the web pages are protected by copyright and serve the general information. The duplication of information or data, in particular the wide use of texts, text parts or picture, needs the previous approval of the WIG, WSG and WAG.
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