RZR Herten, 20 MW
Customer: FISIA Babcock Environment GmbH
Operator: AGR GmbH
The municipal waste combustor in Herten is one of the most modern units in Europe. In 2006, an expansion of two new combustion lines was constructed. Each line is characterized by its own desulfurization unit,which allows the plant to undercut all environmental emission laws for pollutants. Furthermore both desulfurization units responsible for the overhaul process of the flue gas are provided by our cross-flow heat exchanger solution. Due to the low dew point of the acid mixture, we constructed the cross-flow heat exchanger from fluoropolymer material.
Design Data
Cross Flow Heat exchanger
Flue gas volume flow
97,382 Nm3/h wet
Flue gas temperature in / out
170 °C/ 107 °C
Flue gas pressure drop
4.4 mbar
Clean gas volume flow
100,199 Nm3/h wet
Clean gas temperature in / out
60 °C/ 121 °C
Clean gas pressure drop
6.7 mbar
Heat Transfer
2,400 kW
Gas Analysis Flue Gas Clean Gas
SOX 450 10 mg/Nm3
HCI 1,200 5 mg/Nm3
HF 3.1 mg/Nm3