Wallstein Holding GmbH & Co. KG

Steam-gas preheaters

Our corrosion-resistant steam-gas preheaters have been setting standards in thermal waste treatment plants and power stations for decades. They are used to utilize steam for preheating, heating, dehumidifying or drying gas streams. By installing them upstream of combustion plants, DeNOx plants or downstream of desulphurization plants, DaGaVo enable a significant improvement in energy efficiency and contribute to the reduction of CO₂ emissions.

Steam-gas preheaters are an economically attractive solution for replacing gas burners, especially when retrofitting. This conversion significantly reduces energy costs and, depending on the gas price, pays for itself within a few years. With an application range for gas volume flows of approx. 50,000 to 500,000 Nm³/h, steam-gas preheater offers a wide range of options for more sustainable and efficient process design.

[Translate to Englisch:] Dampf-Gas-Vorwärmer

Our steam-gas preheaters have a compact and modular design. They consist of straight tube bundles equipped with materials such as stainless steel, nickel-based alloys or coated steels to ensure a long service life even under extreme conditions. The special design minimizes pressure losses and enables safe condensate drainage, while the released condensation heat is used efficiently.

Steam-gas preheaters are used for

  • Combustion systems to improve efficiency by preheating the combustion air.
  • DeNOx systems to ensure the necessary flue gas temperature for denitrification.
  • Flue gas desulphurization systems for dehumidification to prevent corrosion.
  • Chimneys for drying flue gas to reduce water vapor plumes.

We adapt the material concept individually to the specific requirements of the respective area of application. In corrosive operating conditions, all components in contact with gas are equipped with acid-resistant materials such as PFA-coated stainless steel pipes or nickel-based alloys. These materials guarantee maximum corrosion resistance and operational safety.

[Translate to Englisch:] Bündelmodul mit PFA-beschichteten Edelstahlrohren

Our steam-gas preheaters not only offer customers an alternative to gas burners, but also ensure noticeable savings in operating costs. With many references worldwide, we are helping to make processes more economical, environmentally friendly and future-proof.