Wallstein Holding GmbH & Co. KG

Riihimäki WtE plant

Riihimäki WtE plant

Project: Riihimäki WtE plant
Customer: EKOKEM Oy Ab / Finnland

The Finnish company EKOKEM Oy Ab operates a waste-to-energy plant in Riihimäki, north of Helsinki. The supplied 3-pass corrosion-resistant gas-gas heat exchanger (GGH) was ordered as a replacement for the old heat exchanger.

In the GGH, the raw gas is passed through a filter and the heat exchanger tubes and the purified clean gas is directly heated by the raw gas, which has not yet been cooled in the scrubber. ?AlWaFlon tubes with a diameter of 52mm were installed in the 3-pass heat exchanger. The steel housing is internally protected against corrosion by a plastic film made of TFM. The conversion was completed very quickly thanks to the matching dimensions.


Design data
Raw gas volume flow
116.700  Nm3/h
Inlet/outlet temperature?
170 °C/ 106 °C
Pressure loss raw gas
5,3 mbar
Clean gas volume flow
122.444  Nm3/h
Inlet/outlet temperature
59 °C/ 120 °C
Pressure loss clean gas 
8,0 mbar
Heat transfer
2.870 kW
Pollutant analysis

Raw gasClean gas
1.000 mg/Nm3
50 mg/Nm3
1.000 mg/Nm3
50 mg/Nm3
50 mg/Nm3
Free droplets
50 mg/Nm3
20 mg/Nm3
10 mg/Nm3
1 mg/Nm3
2 mg/Nm3
50 mg/Nm3